
Bøker og Børst Forlag

Bøker og Børst forlag gir ut bøker av lokale forfattere på både norsk og engelsk.

Bøker og Børst Publishing. We publish books by local authors in Norwegian and English

Jacob the editor

Jacob Tom is the editor of Bøker og Børst Publishing. He is originally from Milwauke WI. but has been living in Stavanger since 2017.

He started working at Bøker og Børst in 2018 and has been compiling poems about working in the city ever since.

Published books

Collected Words from Øvre Holmgate 32

Jacob Tom
ISBN: 9788269187700

Collected Words is a small book of stories, moments, quotes, and images from one of Stavanger’s beloved institutions. Bøker og Børst has been a home for writers, artists, musicians, and eccentric folk for many years. They are a collection of people that deserve a collection of words and this is an artification of their stories.

I saw that girl in my toluene dream

Jacob Tom

Loosely acting as a sequel to author’s earlier release, I Saw That Girl in My Toluene Dream follows Jacob through more extravagant and convoluted stories. However, the dusty stools in a dimly lit bar that characterized his first novel have been replaced by the wire-framed lounge chairs of a fluorescent-lit therapy office.

Treading water


Sara Soma



On the surface, Treading Water is exactly what it claims to be: a collection of poems about love and the ways in which trauma has a profound effect on it. Yet, what is revealed at its core ismuch denser, much more telling of a writer erupting her heart onto the page with messy ink and a disregard for her own vulnerability.

Morro do castello


Ingrid Halvorsen

ISBN: 9788269187779


Eit rop frå skogen, frå myra og havet, og frå toppen av fjell som raga i menneske. Ei diktsamling om å miste og elske. Om vold, om natur.

I knew a man from Texas

Jacob Tom

Stavanger is an eclectic place and home to eccentric people with rich and odd stories to tell: from kings and fires and nazis, to spies and spectres and professors. With the cold North Sea rain and an American onlooker, a night at the People’s Theater can get pretty strange

Tjatse & Idunn

Jacob Tom
& Ida Ekrheim



Intimately inspired by classical works which have emphasized heroism, grandeur, love, and a dramatic sensibility, this collection of poetry is an attempt to capture the same ancient energy. Here, a steady stream of sonnets framed by lyrics, elegies, odes, and other forms of verse are strung together to tell a story of losing love and finding it again.



Kjell Haavard Thrane Høie



Når Kjell Haavard beskriver sine følelser er inntrykket ikke av språklig spill. Isteden ser vi ham åpne og lukke dører til sine psykiske og fysiske følelser. En emosjonell reise støttet av klare visuelle bilder fra en skribent som forstår hvordan å knytte steder, personer, sanser og følelser til et papir.


Helene M. Jakobsen & Magnus J. Iversen
ISBN: 9788269187793

ennui /ɒnˈwi:/

noun a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement.

The first poetry collection of Norwegian writers Helene M. Jakobsen and Magnus J. Iversen.
